BEFORE2030 - A LIVABLE FUTURE For people, planet, and all life
My cheap $12 coffee grinder lasted about 3 months. One day I was using it to grind up herbs, really not a heavy load, and it stopped, refusing to go on. I checked the switch and that seemed all right. I said, “Wait a minute, this thing is so heavy, it’s all motor, it can take this.” I managed to get it dismantled so I could see the interior. This was a basic model, nothing fancy, wire in, switch and motor. What was that component soldered to one of the wires like a growth on a limb? I reasoned it was a resistor put there deliberately to blow if I pushed it a bit. The manufacturer would say, to protect the motor, but the size of this motor didn’t need protecting. I cut it out and re-soldered the wire. Vroom! That baby fired right up. I cursed the manufacturer. It’s been running for at least ten years since.
This insidious practice, started it seems in modern times by a light bulb consortium in the 1920s. They reduced their bulbs from 2,500 hours of life to 1,000, and the money flowed in. You can bet that almost everything made today has a deliberate flaw built in. I can usually spot them within a few minutes. This is literally contributing to the extinction of the human species.
Does that sound a bit extreme, it’s not? The Planet just can’t keep supplying this level of resource extraction and subsequent waste load.
Don’t think the industrial countries are handling this, while the undeveloped world flunks when it mimics us. While writing this, a study showed that in the Philadelphia area, 15 billion gallons of raw sewage is released into the water-shed annually, rivers and streams, every year when heavy rains come and they can’t handle the water treatment. You’re kidding me: 1.25 billion gallons a month? And that’s just one city region, probably all the others are doing this also. The whole modern world is a shell game!
But, with social media, it will be easy to let folks know who the criminals are and who the built-to-last manufacturers are. With France being the first country to make planned obsolescence illegal, it’s only a matter of time before everyone does, especially with a globalized supply chain.
The computer industry, which flourishes on continual upgrades, must be a part of this and reform its gluttonous obsolescence appetite.
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My cheap $12 coffee grinder lasted about 3 months. One day I was using it to grind up herbs, really not a heavy load, and it stopped, refusing to go on. I checked the switch and that seemed all right. I said, “Wait a minute, this thing is so heavy, it’s all motor, it can take this.” I managed to get it dismantled so I could see the interior. This was a basic model, nothing fancy, wire in, switch and motor. What was that component soldered to one of the wires like a growth on a limb? I reasoned it was a resistor put there deliberately to blow if I pushed it a bit. The manufacturer would say, to protect the motor, but the size of this motor didn’t need protecting. I cut it out and re-soldered the wire. Vroom! That baby fired right up. I cursed the manufacturer. It’s been running for at least ten years since.
This insidious practice, started it seems in modern times by a light bulb consortium in the 1920s. They reduced their bulbs from 2,500 hours of life to 1,000, and the money flowed in. You can bet that almost everything made today has a deliberate flaw built in. I can usually spot them within a few minutes. This is literally contributing to the extinction of the human species.
Does that sound a bit extreme, it’s not? The Planet just can’t keep supplying this level of resource extraction and subsequent waste load.
Don’t think the industrial countries are handling this, while the undeveloped world flunks when it mimics us. While writing this, a study showed that in the Philadelphia area, 15 billion gallons of raw sewage is released into the water-shed annually, rivers and streams, every year when heavy rains come and they can’t handle the water treatment. You’re kidding me: 1.25 billion gallons a month? And that’s just one city region, probably all the others are doing this also. The whole modern world is a shell game!
But, with social media, it will be easy to let folks know who the criminals are and who the built-to-last manufacturers are. With France being the first country to make planned obsolescence illegal, it’s only a matter of time before everyone does, especially with a globalized supply chain.
The computer industry, which flourishes on continual upgrades, must be a part of this and reform its gluttonous obsolescence appetite.
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