BEFORE2030 - A LIVABLE FUTURE For people, planet, and all life
Become stewards of the Earth and less of the ‘dominion over all’ mentality. Think about it, the ‘so-called’ Christian nations have harmed the Earth more than any other people. They even created boarding schools in the U.S. and Canada to ruthlessly beat the Nature spirituality out of Native Americans. Can/will all faith communities be magnanimous enough to now join us moderns into the new lifestyle necessary to avert the degradation of the planet, so that it can continue to support human and non-human life?
“Individualism and shortsightedness are the greatest problems of the current social system, we think (the authors), and the deepest cause of un-sustainability. Love and compassion institutionalized in collective solutions is the better alternative…The sustainability revolution will have to be, above all, a collective transformation that permits the best of human nature, rather than the worst, to be expressed and nurtured.” (From, Limits to Growth: The thirty-year update, 2004).
“I’ll be the first to say that the religious environmental movement has been late in forming. Despite the prescient wisdom of some who came before, like St. Francis and before him St. Augustine, we haven’t had much time to compare notes or agree on a global strategy for interfaith action. This new call to put faith into action is only a few years old….
Gradually, work of Interfaith Power and Light (IPL) spread and was picked up in the media, causing a large charitable foundation to seek us out and offer to help us hire a national campaign manager and take our California model into other states… Thomas Berry, a well-known theologian and social historian… asks, “Is the human race sustainable?” I think the answer is, yes, but… We will need to become conscious of our behavior, follow faith’s call to be stewards of Creation and believe in the power of the Spirit to move us toward a healthy planet. The goal is simple, the means are going to involve us all. (Rev. Canon Sally Bingham, Love God, Heal Earth, 2009)
Further info:
The Rev. Canon Sally G. Bingham, Love God, Heal Earth, 2009
Limits to Growth: The thirty-year update, 2004
Become stewards of the Earth and less of the ‘dominion over all’ mentality. Think about it, the ‘so-called’ Christian nations have harmed the Earth more than any other people. They even created boarding schools in the U.S. and Canada to ruthlessly beat the Nature spirituality out of Native Americans. Can/will all faith communities be magnanimous enough to now join us moderns into the new lifestyle necessary to avert the degradation of the planet, so that it can continue to support human and non-human life?
“Individualism and shortsightedness are the greatest problems of the current social system, we think (the authors), and the deepest cause of un-sustainability. Love and compassion institutionalized in collective solutions is the better alternative…The sustainability revolution will have to be, above all, a collective transformation that permits the best of human nature, rather than the worst, to be expressed and nurtured.” (From, Limits to Growth: The thirty-year update, 2004).
“I’ll be the first to say that the religious environmental movement has been late in forming. Despite the prescient wisdom of some who came before, like St. Francis and before him St. Augustine, we haven’t had much time to compare notes or agree on a global strategy for interfaith action. This new call to put faith into action is only a few years old….
Gradually, work of Interfaith Power and Light (IPL) spread and was picked up in the media, causing a large charitable foundation to seek us out and offer to help us hire a national campaign manager and take our California model into other states… Thomas Berry, a well-known theologian and social historian… asks, “Is the human race sustainable?” I think the answer is, yes, but… We will need to become conscious of our behavior, follow faith’s call to be stewards of Creation and believe in the power of the Spirit to move us toward a healthy planet. The goal is simple, the means are going to involve us all. (Rev. Canon Sally Bingham, Love God, Heal Earth, 2009)
Further info:
The Rev. Canon Sally G. Bingham, Love God, Heal Earth, 2009
Limits to Growth: The thirty-year update, 2004